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2009 Competitors
Here are names of this years contestants.


Novice Final

Open Final

Luke Fullbrook

Mick Ashurst

Euros Garmon

Lee Bowers

Paul Hodkinson

Shawn Kenny

Kimil Hojniak

Ed Hall

Simon Johnston

Scott Heaton

Niail Jones

Jack McIntosh

Jacob Nence

Bren Powers

James Robson

Nathan Ross

Paul Savage

Andrew Cairney (Invited)

Chris Ward

Mark Felix (Invited)

Jon Ward

Simon Flint (Invited)

Martin Wright

Igor Petirh (Slovakia) (Invited)

Wales - Novice
Tony Keetch
Steve Hughes
Simon Johnston
James Donegan
Jacob Nence
Tim Allcock
Jon Ward
Chris Ward
Gareth Wallace

Manchester - Novice
Philip Chell
Niall Jones
Simon Bradley
John Walters
Luke Fullbrooke
Jason Carmichael
James Robson
James Dongan
Willam Magson
Andrew Withers
Damian Turner
Shane Brookes
Tobias Williams
Tony Keetch
Joe Hubble

Manchester - Open
Jack Philid McIntosh
Jamie Allonby
Bren Powers
Mark Hill
Mick Ashurst
Lee Bowers
Nathain Ross
Shawn Kenny
Wayne Russell
Marek Piewiszke
Scott Heaton
John Ward

Cheshire -Novice
Rob Porter
Michael Cammolle
Daniel Jones
Mark Wells
Garry Perkins
Jason Carmichael
Alan Williams
Dean Kent
Jason Charnley
Kamil Kojniak
Shahean Mesdaghi
Wayne Smith
Paul Savage
Tony Keetch

N.B. If your name is not on the list and you have sent in a form then give Mark Preece a call on 07974 157280


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